Thursday, January 19, 2012


Preflighting is a process that must be gone through prior to printing/output a desired file or set of files. Specifically, Preflighting makes to that such files are present and correct, properly formatted, and of the necessary type for the job at hand.

The Preflight process is a vital step, as it ensures that all of the necessary components of the file(s) are included and ready to be printed/output. Additionally, preflighting helps prevent delays during production that would be caused when encountering any missing or improperly prepared items in the file.

Above clipart from

A typical Preflight checklist would ensure that:
  • images and graphics within the file are available and not corrupt.
  • fonts are accessible, not corrupt, and in a compatible format.
  • image files are able to be processed by the application and are of the correct color format and resolution.
  • required color profiles are included with the file(s).
  • the layout's document size, margins, bleeds, marks, and other information with within the printable area of the device and meet client specifications.
  • color separations set to be output are correct.
 More advanced Preflight processes may also:
  • flatten transparent objects into single opaque objects.
  • convert fonts to paths.
  • gather and place all images/graphics into one central location
  • compress images.

Oftentimes, the Preflight process is carried out specifically by a technician. This sort of job would first entail reviewing electronic file(s) submitted for printing/output. Then, the technician would check the file(s), going through the Preflight checklist to ensure completeness and to eliminate potential problems. Any issues with components of the file(s) would then be brought to the attention of the customer and production staff so that they may be solved prior to printing/output. Such technicians could earn between $30,000 and $50,000 annually, depending on the area or specific company they are employed within.



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