Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Final Course Summary

So, the semester is officially over, and so is this course. Looking back, I'd have to say that this has been one of the most valuable classes I've taken so far. Prior to this semester, I knew nothing about proper file preparation, and I barely had any experience with Adobe products. Now, I can proudly say I feel so much more confident with both the software and putting together files for output. The checklists we used in each project have already stuck with me. I find myself doing all of the same things for my projects in other courses.

I've liked each of the projects we've done over the course of the semester. As far as a favorite goes, I'm stuck between the billboard/magazine project and the final project. I liked the freedom we got in each of those, and I very proud my final products for each of them. Both are definitely portfolio pieces for me that I will gladly show off to friends, family, and future employers to come.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog, however boring it may have gotten at times.

And with that, I sign off for the summer!

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