Monday, March 12, 2012

Adobe Tutorial #2

For this tutorial, I chose one of Straightening a crooked image.

Straightening an image that is crooked or tilted is a very common practice today. Previously, photographers needed to take extra care to ensure their photos would be straight as they were taking them. But, with new tools in photo-editing software like Photoshop, those can be easily fixed after shooting.

Now, Photoshop offers the ability to straighten and crop an image with one tool in one step.

Here is the starting image from the tutorial:

1) Open the file.
2) Select the Ruler Tool (nested under the Eyedropper Tool).
3) Click and drag the Ruler from one side of the image to the other, following the horizon line, and release.
4) In the Control Panel, click Straighten.
5) Voila! A straight and cropped image is before you, like the one below.



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