Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Job Search Analysis 1

I discussed Preflighting in my first blog post. For this job analysis, I'll provide a few more details about Preflight Technicians.

A preflight technician would be in charge of reviewing files prior to printing/output. He/she would thoroughly check the file(s) and compare them to a preflight checklist to ensure the pieces would be printed/output without issues.

The education level, skills, and experience for this position varies somewhat from company to company. For the most part, an associate's or bachelor's degree in graphic design and/or a vocational certificate in prepress technology would be the minimum requirements. Familiarity with graphic design, page layout, and composition are extremely useful in this job. Also, preflight technicians will need to be trained and familiar with whatever software the company in question is using (i.e. Adobe Creative Suite, etc). Experience of 1-2 years in the industry is preferred for many companies. The salary range for this position ranges between $30,000 and $50,000, depending on the company and area. On average, technicians receive $17.21/hour.



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