Tuesday, April 3, 2012

National Logo Redesign

There are dozens of successful logo redesigns that have been done with some of the most recognizable companies in the world. I had plenty to choose from to discuss.

I decided to talk about Sprint's recent logo redesign (to try and find something positive to redeem them despite their awful service).

Here is a before and after image of their old logo next to their new one:

Image from here.

As a kid, I clearly remember seeing commercials for Sprint almost every day of my life. I vividly remember their tagline that the quality was so clear, you could hear a "pin drop". So, when Sprint combined with Nextel, and decided to re-brand the company, I was one of few youngsters who understood their new logo. It calls back to that "pin drop" they talked about for years. Also, Sprint dropped their gray and red color scheme, and took on Nextel's black and bright yellow. Finally, they opted for a more modern looking sans-serif typeface.

Sprint did a lot of advertising to promote their partnership with Nextel and re-branding of a company. They did an excellent job of getting their new look out there.

I think it is a much nice, much more modern look for them, and I like it a lot more than their previous logo. Go Sprint! Now that I've been nice, can I get a discount on my cell phone bill? :)


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